Legal Notice

In compliance with the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services Act (LSSI),

Partygama S.L. It then provides your log and contact details:

Owner / Owner of the website:


CIF: B-87055802


C/ Dalia 12 PI, El Lomo

CP 28970 - Humans of Madrid

Tfno. +34 91 704 92 74

WhatsApp: +34 633 974 467



Registration data:

Company registered in the Commercial Register of Madrid, volume 32.483, folio 67, section 8, sheet M-584698, registration 2. The company Partygama S.L. with N.I.F B-87055802 registered in the Commercial Register of Madrid with domicile and Madrid and email info@


Generally speaking, relations between Partygama S.L. with the users of their telematic services, present in this Web site, are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.

Use and access of users:

The user is informed, and agrees, that access to the contents of this Web does not, in any way, imply the initiation of a commercial relationship Partygama S.L., and in no case constitutes legal or professional advice.

Intellectual and industrial property:

Intellectual property rights of the content of the Web pages, its graphic design and codes are Partygama's title S.L. and, therefore, its reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other activity that can be carried out with the contents of its web pages or even by citing the sources, is prohibited, except for Partygama's written consent S.L.

Web content and links link:

Partygama reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained in its web pages, even by limiting or not allowing access to such information to certain users.

Partygama S.L. assumes no liability for the information contained in third party websites that can be accessed by "links" or links from any Partygama property website S.L., The presence of "links" or links on the Partygama web pages S.L., it has a purely informative purpose and in no case does it imply suggestion, invitation or recommendation on them.

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